yeay dpt award agik~
yeay yeay yeay yeay *jumpin jumpin jumpin jumpin*
thanx kak izu!!
hugssssssssss~!!n muahx muahx~!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuahhhxxx f0r bby iris!!
she's s0o0o0o cute!!
aaaaaaa geram geram!!
grrr ;p
sgt bahagia ;D
n n0w taggah~!
Arahannya begini:
Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can't use any answer twice and don't use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you're done, tag 10 people.
1. What is your name? eiyra
2. A four letter word: ebay?;p
3. A boy's name : ejan
4. A girl's name : ezaura..bet0ll xtipuu..ade budak tuh name dia ezaura ;D
5. An occupation : educat0r??ahaha
6. A color : ejaw~
7. Something you wear : e..ape tah!
8. A type of food : eskem!
9. Something found in the bathroom : "eh..baju sape neh!!" kire halal la k dial0g neh?;p
10. A place : e..ngland ;p
11. A reason for being late : ewah ewah nak mara sy pulak..k0 p0n lmbt kan kan?;p
12. Something you shout : eee!!!senget!huh!
13. A movie title : eHANC0CK!!;D
14. Something you drink : es lem0n ti ((=
15. A musical group : exist
16. A street name : e sumthin street ((=
17. A type of car : eGMC..b0le tak?;p
18. A song title : eSAAT..haha ;p >> :x <<
19. A verb : e..verb ape eh?lupe da..haha my grammar stinks 0kay!;p
tag tag tag!!
ckgu adam<<
juz s0 u kn0w,
sy punye smpan award neh sgttt lame da!!haha
sbb nak jawab tag tuh masyaAllah..TENSEN!!;p
thanx kak izu eh
.nak y' awk..;p
ni lg byk ngelat niih..hihiii..nway so funny u..
ur welcome nway..
payah sgt nak carik jwpnnye kak..
da lme teper0k dlm dashb0ard neh..
nmpk x ab0k ab0k tuh ;p
thanx egen kak!!
hugs hugs mmuahhx muahhxx!!:x
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