[ teh kismis yelahhh arina mira ]

Monday, November 2, 2009


seperti yg tertules pada tajok ,
teh ini adalah kepunyaan rasmi hakmilikkekal saudari arina mira .
resipi khas ini tercipta semasa sy hadir kerumah beliaw baru2 ini .
lantas idea itu datang dgn creativenye .
berikut adalah resipinye .

don't try this at home
don't blame me nor arinamira if anything happens
usah biarkan diri anda diselubungi emosi .

Air panas satu teko [ size sukatila ]
Air suam [ jika mahu ]
Gula secukup rase [ nak 12sendok pon ok ]
Teh [ apa2 jename pon ok sajo ]
'Kismis' [ bahan utama ea puan2 ]

cara2 membuatnya .
1-buat macam air bese saje
2-'kismis' itu akan ade snirik kalaw lucky
3-bawak depan dgn cawan dan piring y cukup
4-tuang depan bakal makmentua
5-kalaw nampak pape pon wat dek saje .. teroskan tuang . act cool ok
6-dah abeh tuang bawa 2cawan y memelikkan kedapo
7-pegi depan balek dan amek balek air2 tadi
8-basoh balek teko tadi
9-ulang cara2 diatas sampai puas ati
10-g depan tuang setengah cawan saje dan berilah pd bapak dan bakal bapak mentua

tips ; kalaw ditanye ape mende tadi , act cool n jawab ntahla macek ..

lepas isi , pegi dapo dan bergosip .

sekian , terima kasih

ape2 jadik kowg kene act cool

yelahhhhhh ..


nenananie™ said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,jaatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.....yelahhh,umh akk xde kismis,umh nna de..spe la sy..kan..kan??hahhahahhahahha...

.0hbintang!. said...

yelahhhhhh .. sy mmg jaat .. xmcm awk ....... kan ? hahahahahah [ saket pwot gelak la weh ]

Azlin 'ilman said...

aku mcm knal ayt "jgn biarkn diri anda dselubungi emosi" tuh.


bukan bidadari bintang said...

hey, you're back!!

sarah said...

assalamualaikum iszaura,

sy suker bacer blog awak. sbb sy tak pandai nak menulis blog yg interesting.hihi. poor me. :(

i c dat u're now in thailand. n u were in dubai? wow, jelesnyer sayer. huhuhu.

how come u get 2 travel n stay overseas like dat? is it nice living in thailand? r u in college or school?

.0hbintang!. said...

man : hahaha .. kau terase beb ? :p

triple b tempah tendang : siap ah kauuuu [-(

sarah : waalaikumsalam sarah .. hehe . usah puji lebeylebeyyyy :p sy bukan reti sgt menules neh pon .. ekot suke hati saje menules neh . haha . neh sarah da leh bg komen neh , da kire lulus utk wat blog neh . kiki

yes , now sy ka thai n b4 neh kat abu dhabi , bukan dubai :) ini semua keje Allah .. rezki maseng2 kannn .. alhamdulillahhhh .. hehe

now sy in school . so far ok la .. alhamdulillah .. dpt jupe mcm2 jenis owg , not bad la :)

so sarah , who r u ? introduce urself la .. taw name saje mcm takbest jek :p

.0hbintang!. said...

oh sorry sarah .. my dad works w sum cpany .. so he gets to go here n there n lives here n there .. n my dad doesnt like the idea of leaving his children alone in Msia , so he brought the whole fmly everywhere he goes la :DD

sarah said...

oh, abu dhabi? hihi. i thought it was dubai. silly me. :) dah tua kot. selalu lupe..

lucky u, dpt pegi here n there. byk pengalaman blh kutip, kan? n lotsa friends too.

and what a cool dad u've got.hehe. get to work n travel n holiday at the same time.

so, u're still in school? so, i'm older than you la. hihi.


.0hbintang!. said...

eh takla silly :p evryone pon keeps on saying dubai .. jarang ade y ckp ad :)

well kalaw nak cakap psl pengalaman n frens , evrywhere pon boleh dapatkan .. nak ngan tanak saje .. kankan ? :DD

sumesume daddy pon cool la sarah . dushdush !! lol . i believe that ur dad is cool in otha way as well ;)

aaa am 21 .. turning 22 in more less 2months :p n ur ?

peace yo :p

sarah said...

so, ad is a country or a city? wah, teruknye geografi i. hehe.

yup, i believe my dad's quite cool too. haha. thanx 4 reminding me. hihi.

so, u're 21, right. i'm 24. hihi. eh, 21 pon still in school ke? ke thai mmg mcm tu?

so, r u in bangkok? or sumwhere else? eh, banyaknya soalan. oopss. ;)


.0hbintang!. said...

ad capital city of uae .. dun wry . i didnt know it myself either mase mule2 dulu .. kite geng k ? kiki

sureshre ur most welkam sis :p takkk .. wat a level .. uni kat thai takbest kot :p

yes in bangkok :)

now tell me bout urself sis :)

peacepeace :)

. uffa . said...

padan lah kong *akQ n k,nina* buat air ade bijik itam!!
naseb effa xminom air teh arituh!

p.s ::
triple B di atas bukan effa okie..
effa hanye *gue bukan bidadari bintang tapi bulan* yg kat luar saje!
kalo kat dalam..
bukan sayeee!!;D

sarah said...

ok, buat a-level ye. about myself? hihi.

well, i'm doing my degree in ukm. dah final year, hopefully. skrg tengah exam. huhu. n tak lama lg akan cuti. yeaayy!!!

tp kalau cuti, tak blh online. sob sob. kat umah takde internet. hihi.


.0hbintang!. said...

effa mmg gile : tade sape sempat minomla .. kan ade dua hero dah :> n blah !! aku tanak layan triple b sudah ! huh !!

sarah : takde blog ke sarah ? aishhh .. its better fo me to call u akak kan ? or u dun like it ? n gdluck !! yeay final year sudahhh :p takpe2 .. bole buat keje laen .. masak2 ke :p btw , mind if i ask wut course r u taking ?

armouris : thanx a lot fo the info human ! * dunno if ur a woman or a man yet .. sorry . hehe * next time ill definately try buat REAL teh kismis .. mesti sedap :p

sarah said...

huhu... xde blog... i kan tak pandai menulis... sobsobsob.... ;)

yeayyy... final year...lepas ni bertungkus lumus nk cari keje pulak... hihi... life is wonderful eay...

oh, i'm taking marine science... :)
