[ saya pandai lukess .. awk boleh ke ? :> ]

Sunday, February 21, 2010


sape nak tengok aku melukessssssssssssssssss !! :DD

more from here ..

wahhhh macam iklan seh . hahaha . khalas ! entry sebelom ini terpaksa dihide sebelom kene marah :p

yes . saya sangat childish . jadik ? btw , aku SANGAT tertarek dgn iklan softlan yg latest neh ..
" terima kaseh mama "

" gebunya .. um .. baju tuala saya "

" terima kaseh kerana buat cadar saya bau macam mama "

caer wehhhhh tgk .. haha . tp takde dalam utube lagi :( nak iklan tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :((

abinaza ~


Nini Hartini said...

comel sgt!!! lukis ktne ni? bleh cilok gak hahahaa..

keje mencilok je kaka tini nih!

.0hbintang!. said...

lukes gune ipod :p bolehboleh . silela colek .. dapatkan selebihnya dipasaran .. chewah ! ahakz

Nini Hartini said...

ipod ndak ada!!! aaaaa :'(

Anonymous said...

salam..ade laa iklan tue lgi..niey link die..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQj4uYYdm08&feature=related

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it