[ saya = excited = preggy :) ]

Sunday, November 8, 2009


mood : sangat sayu

yes . aku sangat emo lately . macam2 bende datang . ke sebab pms ? probably . dalam keadaan agak kabot ni mmg macam2 la kan ? oh well .. everything is fine now . partially . iAllah ..

and actualy sangat banyak cerita yg ingin dceritakan . tp . takberapa sesuai . hahah emosi !! tendang kang :p

i met kakfarah today . she's my cuzies wifey .
got married early this year .
n now she's 7mos preggy !!
she told me her experiences n stories about her pregnancy thingy ..
i touched her tummy !!
i put my hands on it . n the baby kicked me and did stuff .
i was shaking !
i never got such experience in my whole life !!
i touched the baby man !
the baby who's in the tummy !!
the baby who's still in the freaking womb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ it excites me A LOT that i hve to use lotsa exclamation marks to show how excited i am to u guys :p ]
it is such a miracle !!!!!!!!!!
[ again . sorry i got overexcited when it comes to babies and preggy thingy ]
haha . yes . i know that everyone will go " u shud get married now " or sumthin like it .
but hey , stop it ! it annoys me .
dari kecik lagi mmg aku dah suke baby k .
pls la ..
it seriously annoying la bile kowg kecoh2 pasal aku patot kawen and all just bcz aku suke baby .
i mean c'on la .. pathetic gile kan ?
anyways ..
kakfarah did say
" kalaw eiyra takot , jgn tengok gamba or video psl pregnant n deliver n stuff .. takot kang eiyra tanak pregnant "
hoho kakfarah , ur talkin to wrong person lah kak
[ riak kan ? haha . sorry :p ]
saya sentiase nak tengok n explore ttg pregnancy and babies and all kinda stuff .
it really excites me !
seriously ..
amazing gile beb !!
taksabar2 nak pregnant ! hahah :p

like this pic ..
okay , this one might not give u any OMG reaction kan ?

how bout the other one ?
how beb ?
hahaha . does it freak you out ?
its a bit freaky tho :p aku pon mcm fuiyoooooooooooooo !!
lol .
but its nice !!
its good kan that i feel this way ?
cz am the one whos gonna be pregnant later on ..
excited excited yeay !!
hahaha :p

okay done !
gotta get sum rest .
oh btw ,
yes , saya agak emo lately .. tapi semuanya berbaloi ..
saya maseh mampu tersenyum dalam emosi ini :)

thanx fo being there fo me incek gajah :p

[ merapu merapu !! entry ini mungken kelam kabot . maaf . nantoks ! ]


aiSyaLiciOus said...

my dear eiyra sayang....cett!! pregnant yek..ngade sunggoh kamu...hik3..tunggu 3taon lg yek coz aji kamu xabis stdy lg...so jgn berangan nak pregnnt neh..hahahah...sya sengat = eiyra pon sengat gak kot! hahahahhah.

Act, sya pon excited neh coz approxmtly 2months jek nak jd bini org...wah! cam xcaye jek...

so conclusion nyer kat sini,,,,,saye akan pregnnt dulu...hahahah....jgn jelez...

AntiBibok said...

huh.. dlm perut gik dah start kasik tapak kaki kat perut ibu... bayangkan bile die da besar nnt.. wallahualam... cewah, haha..

.0hbintang!. said...

sya : wahhhh belagakkkk .. report pacek sy .. tgklaaa :( hahah

antibibok : mcm ko kecik2 kankan ? hayokkk :p