
Wednesday, April 8, 2009


5 brand that you like the most

5 brand that you dislike the most
denmark c0p!!cis kau bedebah!!

5 countries that you want to go the most
mekah..s0 badly T_T

5 countries that you do not want to go the most
ntah la..haha

5 item that you like the most
babies *d0 they c0unt s item?*;p
big c0ins
bubbles && white calla lily ;D

5 item that you dislike the most
makeup!!BIG yucka yucka 0kay!!

5 people that you love the most
huh!bingai s0klan neh [-(

5 people that you hate the most
waaa..cube utk memaafkn 0wg..grrr..

5 color that you like the most?
pink ((= *i kn0w i kn0w..gelak la k0wg k?sy bjiwa tetap bjiwa gadis*;p

5 color that you dislike the most?
tade p0n..0k saje :>

5 things that you dream the most
g mekah stiap ta0n ;p
gettin married in the garden..kahkah ((=
g0t babies b4 30 ;D
stick wid my parents evn after i g0t the "wifey" title..

5 things that you not dream at all
da kate n0t..mane taw..

5 of your positive character
s0pan sangat

5 of your negative character
kuat nengking

5 moments that you miss the most
definately wen i wuz in mecca!!n0thin cud eva change it..
wen i wuz in primary skewl..zaman kegemilangan seyh ;p
hangin 0ut wid my besties..mishu guys dam much!!>_<>

5 moments that you do not want to remember at all
saat arwah nenek dkebumikan..hmmm );

5 positive characters of your best buddies
sangat senget
backup besa sy :> watch 0ut guys ;D
VERY talkative..yes..VERY!!haha
taw care meneg0 sy tnpa mbuat sy trase nak dush 0wg ;p
understandin && caring (;

5 negative characters of your best buddies
huh!!bia sy && mreke saje taw..seb0k plak [-(

5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life)
riadah wid my fmly && frens
juz hang 0ut wid my fmly && frens..talkin.screamin.yellin.wuteva ;p

5 things that you regret the most
n0 k0men..

Single question

Favorite animal?
y b0leh d hug ;D

Favorite actor?
adam sandler :x

Favorite actres?
sandra bull0ck :x

Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
thinkin..brangan s well la kan ;p sing..dance..0uhhh i can dance baby..i sure can ;D

Favorite website?
Ummu Umar
Abu Umar
~Our Life's Story~
::My Way::
Kereta Mayat

Favorite moment?
t0o many t0o be writen here..*bet0l ke grammar sy neh?*;p

Favorite sport?
netball..pcaye la..kecik bukan sbarang kecik 0kay (;

Favorite vegetable?
uhuk uhuk..hehe ;D

Favorite movie?

Tag another 10 people :-
alah!!malas la nak tag!bukan k0wg wat p0n!bnci [-(


Mrs. Ishamizu said...

hehehe mekaceh..i like ur website too darling sis..i dooo...:)

nway, grammar tu btul rsenya..hehe akk pon tgang lnggang gak eglish nii..huhu..

duss i blum wat lg tag ni...tgu ek dhila..kikiii..

ok adik bintangku, taking care!!;p

.0hbintang!. said...

hehe ;D

lufyu kak!!;p

Fadhilah Rozley said...

salam kak..

nie tag dari kite ke??
thanks arr coz bwat..

jgn lupe amik award yea..
ada 3 award kat umah tu..

take a look yea~~